Sickness You might Get when Camping Out

We always would like to experience that feel of camping out. Staying in the tent, hearing the birds chip or the waves splash on the shore. also, sunbathing, feeling the sand all over our body. How nice it is to feel the breeze of the air tickle your feet which gives you chill? We all want to experience those but we have to make sure that we are all aware what sickness we might get in the woods, or camping out near the shore. Below will just be some of which that you might get during or after your camping or travel:

Camping Out in Dampalitan Island, Quezon

  • Sunburn. Guess it's normal for anyone who has been under the sun for too long. But how can you avoid this? Use sunblocks with enough SPF to keep you going. Better to get yourself protected rather than being in agony after a couple of days. 
  • Fever. With too much heat and suddenly it rains, it's not possible that you might get a fever. Make sure not to stay under the rain. Take a bath right away once soaked in water because of the rain. Make sure to bring some meds with you like paracetamol so you are all prepared. 
  • Colds and Cough. With too much heat at day and too much cold at night you might get colds, sometimes with cough. Make sure you have enough protection, jacket or sweater, at night if it's too cold. 
  • Backache. You usually get this because of you camping out on the rough or hard ground. If you want to be comfortable might as well bring a sleeping bag, or a comforter which you can use when sleeping. 
  • Insect Bites. Alcohol might be one of the things you should not forget. Aside from you can use this if you have wounds, you can also use it from insect bites. Bring mosquito repellents to protect yourself. 
Be ready. Be protected. Keep yourself healthy while you enjoy your trip! 

Follow me on Instagram: @oiram13


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